Eine Verhandlung besteht aus beidseitigem Geben und Nehmen, ‘give and take’ eben. Je mehr sich beides im Gleichgewicht befindet, je eher wird ein positives Resultat möglich. Positiv im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Lösung jenseits von temporären Eitelkeiten und Gipfelhype. Das erstmalige Treffen Trump-Kim in Singapur vom 12.6.18 wird kaum als Erfolg in die Geschichte eingehen, da…
India lets China dominate the Indian Ocean
For India’s prestige and strategic image, the so-called Doklam standoff last year ended in a tactical advantage. Chinese troops and road construction teams had to withdraw from a contested corner at the Bhutan-China border. Since then, Indian armed forces have seemed to be able and willing to oppose Chinese attempts to challenge the common border…
Asia vs China, Europe vs Russia: parallels?
The ongoing discussion in many countries of the Asia-Pacific with regard to future attitude towards China, and the equivalent discussion in and among European countries regarding Russia – as exemplary shown in the context of the Skripal poisoning incident in London – have a common denominator. How should countries in either region handle their relations…
Recent developments in and around Iran
Iran remains a topic in moves of world powers and others: a) the USA may follow increasingly Trump’s inclinations against Iran; b) France has unsuccessfully tried to mediate between Iran’s claims to a sovereign missile defence and the US’ tentative rejection of the Nuclear Agreement; c) Switzerland has upgraded its trade relations with Iran. The…
Konfrontation mit China
Der laufende Prozess der Aufhebung der Amtszeitbeschränkung für den Präsidenten Chinas bedeutet voraussichtlich, dass Xi Jinping nun chinesischer Alleinherrscher auf Lebenszeit ist. Er hat damit seine Stellung intern so gefestigt, dass er sich voll auf sein Ziel konzentrieren kann, das Land zur politisch und wirtschaftlich führenden Weltmacht zu machen. Dies durch seine BRI (Belt and…
India’s Prime Minister Modi and US-President Trump at the WEF 2018 in Davos
The leaders of two large economies at the World Economic Forum in Davos were invited to open resp. to close the debate. Stark contrast between the statements of India’s Prime Minister Modi and of US President Trump PM Modi was this year’s opening key note speaker at the WEF in Davos. You would have to…
The geopolitical center of the world was not in Davos
While Trump in Davos dominated the media, real news was and is being made in the Asia-Pacific. China might be overreaching, India is strategically moving and Japan is busy with coordinating the anti-Chinese front. The only real news at Davos concerned the EU, not the Trumpian road show of an US neither led nor leading.…