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  • Financial Centres in parallel peril

    May 20, 2021

    There is a curious parallel between Hong Kong and London as financial centres potentially declining due to their recent loss of a unique position. Historically both were crucial nods in the global network of the British Empire. More recently both functioned at a critical junction between the booming Chinese Economy, and the EU respectively on…

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  • India in geopolitics and at home: two worlds

    May 6, 2021

    The picture of India’s geostrategic position is moving, these days. Over recent months, China’s geopolitical behaviour and accompanying diplomatic rhetoric have become more assertive. But in the logic of cause and effect, international resistance against China is growing, too. US-President Biden has recently called for a digital summit of the rejuvenated Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, Quad,…

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  • Russia vs the EU

    February 18, 2021

    Putin’s Russia ignores the European attempt by Foreign Minister Borrell to have a managed relationship and sends three EU-diplomats packing for doing their job. This will have wider repercussions, in Europe and beyond. EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell visited Moscow to lodge a strong protest against the treatment of Alexei Navalny and his supporters in…

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  • Donald Trumps „Götterdämmerung“ – geopolitische Sicht auf Washingtons Chaosstunden

    January 13, 2021

    Am 6. Januar 2021 schickte sich das amerikanische Parlament an, den Wahlsieg Joe Bidens über Präsident Trump formell zur Kenntnis zu nehmen. An diesem Tag wiegelte Trump in Washington eine riesige Ansammlung seiner Anhänger auf, das Capitol zu stürmen und den laufenden Parlamentsvorgang zu unterbrechen. Die Chaos-Bilder gingen zeitgleich um die Welt, fünf Tote sind…

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  • Vier Jahre Trump, und jetzt?

    December 10, 2020

    Eine geopolitische Analyse der Auswirkungen in, und ausserhalb der USA, eingeschlossen möglicher Veränderungen unter Präsident Biden. 1- Übersicht Die Realität von vier Jahren Trump hat die dunklen Voraussagen zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit noch übertroffen. Er hat Amerika an den Rand eines, zumindest mentalen Bürgerkrieges gebracht und dem amerikanischen Ansehen in der Welt wohl bleibenden Schaden…

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  • Biden/Harris as PM Modi’s “dream team”?

    November 10, 2020

    The US will have a Vice President of Indian descent. Kamala Harris, Biden’s Vice-President elect, born in the USA, is the daughter of an Indian lady from Chennai, South East India, who had immigrated to California for higher studies. Kamala Harris’ father was Jamaican, who had immigrated to the USA, also for higher studies. A…

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  • China wins, India loses in a changing Middle East

    October 21, 2020

    The Middle East and Persian Gulf region has, over recent years and months, experienced events and developments that have changed the pattern of alliances and strategic interests to a large extent. Let’s remember that, for a historical moment, an effective alliance against the so-called “Islamic State” (“ISIS”), composed among others of American, Turkish, Iranian, Kurdish,…

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