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  • China expandiert

    August 14, 2020

    Chinas regionale Expansion in Asien ist eine Tatsache und lässt sich an zwei Fronten unwiderlegbar aufzeigen: in Südostasien zur See, im Himalaya-Gebirge zu Land. In Südostasien erfolgt die chinesische Expansion zulasten der Anrainerstaaten des Südchinesischen Meers, im Himalaya zulasten Indiens. China erhebt seit geraumer Zeit Souveränitätsansprüche über das Südchinesische Meer (South China Sea – SCS).…

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  • Huawei may be the canary in the coalmine

    July 20, 2020

    In the pre Covid-19 world, international value chains became ever more globalized in a relentless effort to drive prices down. Not any longer and not just because of the pandemic. Commercial calculations will have to increasingly price in risk, including political risk. It is not a coincidence that Britain’s turn-around on using Huawei for its…

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  • Modi’s India in decline

    June 12, 2020

    At the beginning of June of this year, India is experiencing the fastest expansion of Covid-19 infections in the world and the numbers continue to grow faster than anywhere else. Add to the figures the fact that due to the sub-standard infrastructure of the country huge numbers of infected people and the dead will never…

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  • Life after the Pandemic

    May 12, 2020

    A geopolitical guide for entrepreneurs to gauge changes caused by Covid-19 1- Introduction: Markets and their environment Covid-19 is a larger than life illustration that all markets, physical or digital, are tied to a real market place with its particular political, economic and societal, in short: geopolitical features. They determine any changes in the market…

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  • ‘Lasst uns diese Krise nicht vergeuden!’

    March 21, 2020

    Der durch das Virus verursachten medizinischen Krise folgt die Wirtschaftskrise. Die Ausweitung von Staatsbudgets zu ihrer Meisterung könnte eine Möglichkeit sein, grosse Zukunftsprobleme anzugehen. Das Coronavirus wird zu einem grundlegenden Wechsel in der Wirtschaftspolitik führen. Die Zentralbanken, welche in den letzten zehn Jahren mit Zinssenkungen und Ausweitung der Geldmenge (quantitative easing) die Weltwirtschaft nach der…

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  • Europe under threat

    March 18, 2020

    Yes, by the Corona virus like everybody else, but also by the fighting in Syria and Libya. Can Europe, can the EU react adequately? And what will Brexit Britain do? Covid-19 dominates not only the media headlines but the everyday life of just about anybody in Europe. In the federalist EU, it is still up…

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  • India between global economics and Hindu nationalism

    February 21, 2020

    India is currently torn between challenges of global economic competition and self-imposed limitations derived from Hindu nationalism. Since its inception as the independent Republic of India, the country has been living with two strategic and psychological traumas: the Partition of 1947, with which the Muslim League took away half of India’s Muslim population and founded…

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